What our Customers say...

Why SERVPRO Testimonials

We waited almost 5 weeks for another contractor to get us a cleaning estimate for cleaning our Lodge facilities after the Camp Fire tore through Paradise only to leave several unanswered messages. One of our Lodge members mentioned that SERVPRO was working right up the street. Woody Nelson approached SERVPRO's Anthony Noble about cleaning the Lodge for smoke and soot damage from the fire. Anthony and Matt were there within 2 hours to see what we needed. We had a detailed, comprehensive estimate to present to the insurance adjustor within a week. Keep in mind that this facility is over 20,000 square feet in area and covers 2 stories. The bid was accepted and cleaning was commenced shortly after. These people brought the necessary resources and personal to complete the cleaning process rapidly, professionaly, safely and cautiously, without damage, while working under some pretty extreme weather conditions, not to mention the complete devastation surrounding us in the town of Paradise. There was excellent communication throughout the arduous process of this huge undertaking.
I can't thank SERVPRO and their professional staff enough for their Caring and Professional work in restoring our Masonic Lodge to its sparkling appearance and would recommend this company without reservation to anyone who needs or requires their service.

Bill Spencer PM
Table Mountain Masonic Lodge #124
Paradise, California

Special thanks and appreciation for the crew: Doug, Andrew, Corey, and Casey for a job well done, excellent attitude, politeness, and cooperative spirit.

Bill was top notch. He helped us so much. 

They did an excellent job

They did great. Called before coming and were always on time.

The job that was done was the best

Super job-well done!

Good and prompt work.