Why should I clean my gutters in the spring?
3/26/2020 (Permalink)
People think of Autumn as the perfect time to do preventative maintenance around your home. However, you also want to do maintenance cleaning during the spring.
Now you may ask spring? Why the Spring? Well that is what we are here to tell you about.
- Clear out your gutters. Leftover twigs, sticks, and leaves could cause standing water in your gutters. If this was left until next fall your gutters could rust away! Gutter damage can cause water intrusion through the eves of your roof.
- Make sure the crawlspace vents are not attached. Loose or broken crawlspace vents can allow the spring births to make a new home in your crawlspace. We get more calls in the spring about Raccoon or cats in the crawlspace than any other time of the year.
- Level out the ground near your home. This can help reduce water intrusion in your crawlspace from high points in the earth.
- Trim large branches that hang over your home or business. Springtime wind gusts can cause severe damage to your home if a tree or branch falls on the roof.