Commercial building maintence
5/9/2019 (Permalink)
Time is Running Out
We are quickly approaching spring and the tourist season. We only have a short time left to get those maintenance projects wrapped up. I am sure the big major projects are finished or near completion, but what about those little ones that get put off for tomorrow?
You know the ones, like that electrical breaker that keeps tripping, or that loose deck plank. These kinds of issues:
• Replace dirty air filters. Dirty filters can shorten the life span of the equipment they are in and cause issues with allergens and airborne illnesses.
• Clean both supply and return air grills, these have the same effect as the dirty filters.
• Clean and inspect the bathroom and laundry room exhaust fans.
• Adjust thermostats including the irrigation systems, for the changing season. Don’t forget to factor in daylight savings time.
• Have the freon checked in the AC units, freezers and walk-in coolers.
• Elevator pits should be checked for standing water, if found check the sump pump.
• Make sure sinks and tubs drains are clear of hair.
• Toilets should flush quickly.
• Inspect and test the irrigation system. Check for drainage in the crawl space.
• Pour water into all the p-traps to insure they are not plugged and are functioning properly. No one wants to smell sewer gas.
• Sump pumps should be checked regularly.
• Do a thorough inspection of the decks, stairs and railings. Especially look over the metal brackets, checking for rusted parts that could fail.
• Check the rain gutters, make sure they haven’t come loose and are free of debris.
• Look over the siding to make sure it has not come loose during the winter storms.
• Inspect the window and door caulking, winter can take it’s toll on the caulking.
• Look the ceilings over, looking for stains or bubbling paint. These are indicators of a leaking roof.
• On large buildings, look over the expansion joints, if any problems are found address them.
• Eliminate extension cords, put them away neatly.
• Replace any burned out lights, it’s a good idea to use an electrical waterproof spray on the bulb bases when replacing them.
• The electrical panel box should be cleaned inside and outside especially behind the inside cover. (consult your electrician)
• Test all smoke alarms, make the repairs if needed.
• Clear all exit corridors and stairways, also check that exit lights are working.
• Make sure all the fire extinguishers are up to date and accessible.
• Update the first aid kits. Also, make sure the safety equipment in the pool areas are in good condition and accessible.
Look things over, make sure the maintenance is done. With some prevention we should have a great summer. Remember if things do go wrong, SERVPRO has your back.